An update on old and new iris prosthesis (Dr Michael Synder)
/26Jun2010 0920hrs presented at the COS Annual Meeting in Quebec City by Dr Michael Synder
Morcher iris segment
Dr Snyder begins his discussion with the Ophtec and Morcher diaphragm hard iris prosthesis and shows newer Morcher colored ones. Next he shows the Morcher Aniridia rings that have somewhat brittle fins and suggests staining the lens capsule after placed to check position.
Morcher sector implants
Humanoptics silicone diaphragm implant that trephinate to correct size. They are rolled and inserted into position in the eye. Stain underside of ant capsule with tryptan blue before injected the humanotpics iris. Likes using the Grieshaber 25G maxigrip Intraocular forceps
Human optics matching color
Human optics folded for insertion
Discussion followed:
Q: best way to free up lens to rotate
A: 25g short needle, bend tip needle so bevel down, slide under ant capsule edge with OVD and sweep/inject to free to equator; can do even ten years later