Restoring Lion OS X Failure on MacBook Air - cancel or cancel download?

Restoring Lion OS X Failure on MacBook Air - cancel or cancel download?

What I thought was a minor issue turned out to be more when I ran Disk Utility and the message came back to back up important files and reformat the hard drive. Thus began the journey to start from scratch on my MacBook Air that was little more than a year old. Was I prepared for disaster?

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Why summer may be the best time to upgrade to Lion OS X for your Mac

Why summer may be the best time to upgrade to Lion OS X for your Mac

With today’s release of OS X 10.7 aka “Lion,” Apple has kept their promise to release it to everyone in July. With a $29 cost, more iPad/iPhone-like features and unlimited installs on all computers using the same App Store ID, it sure sounds attractive. Furthermore, summer is a great time to do the upgrade. The reason - it pretty much renders your computer unusable for up to 5 days after the install.

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