EMR Physician Builder Day 1 - discreet elements

EMR Physician Builder Day 1 - discreet elements

What was more exciting? Unravelling the mysteries of the underpinnings of the EMR? The hallway talk of the never to be resolved battle between discreet data elements and a time efficient and patient-doctor friendly narrative? The daydreaming of the first thing to tackle when I get back? Or could it have been all of the above?

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EMR Physician Builder course day 0 - it starts with a journey

EMR Physician Builder course day 0 - it starts with a journey

It starts with a journey or it's all part of a never ending journey? I am heading to Wisconsin to begin a three day EMR Physician Builder course. This first article covers the road trip that's led me to this point along with my expectations heading into the course. More to follow over the next few days.

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T-10 days and counting: EPIC 2014 ill-planned upgrade

T-10 days and counting: EPIC 2014 ill-planned upgrade

Teaching works best when it takes place in the context in which the information will be used. That is one of the fundamental tenants of adult education. Another central principle is that adult learners have other things going on in their lives and cannot spend all their time outside of work still engaged in work related learning activities. An institution that rolls out upgrades to a mission-critical system that is central to the daily care of patients, if they really valued their employees and their patients, would protect time during working hours to allow their employees to learn new features while seeing patients. Or, at the very least, free them from clinical responsibilities for enough time to work with mock patients to learn the new system.

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What were you thinking? Conveying the treatment rationale

What were you thinking? Conveying the treatment rationale
challenge in daily practice in medicine is making sure when reporting back to the referring physician, that you are answering the question that led to the referral. A key part is to not just respond with an assessment and plan along with highlights of the examination, but also the rationale behind your thought processes.Read More

An Ophthalmologist EMR Checklist: 4 Characteristics of the Ideal EMR (by Katie Matlack)

Ophthalmologists who are evaluating ophthalmology EMR systems will want a solution that can display and capture patient data in a way that supports the unique needs of their speciality. But what specific characteristics should an ophthalmologist look for in an EMR? I posed that question to four ophthalmologists and a practice manager. Here are their recommendations.

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Mix & match EMR systems; 3 month update after transition to hybrid system

Mix & match EMR systems; 3 month update after transition to hybrid system

As those faithful readers already know, I have always been in search of the perfect EMR solution for Ophthalmology and keep thinking I’ve found it. The latest iteration, after a transition that was difficult for all involved, is sort of like the latest Apple hardware…the best system I’ve ever had - until I change it again! One compromise though was to throw away the EMR ideal of one system to do everything.

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