Canadian Medical System is a failure when it comes to glaucoma surgery

Canadian Medical System is a failure when it comes to glaucoma surgery

Well, I can no longer say that the Canadian Healthcare system, at least the version we have here in BC, is a success when it comes to caring for glaucoma patients. I sit now almost 12 hours after putting a patient on the within 8 hour emergency surgery list and fear he will be blind before I get to operate.

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Exploring Reddit for discussing glaucoma articles

Exploring Reddit for discussing glaucoma articles

Always looking for new ways of using technology in education, I recently created a sub-reddit for glaucoma articles. As not everyone is familiar with, it is worth a brief explanation before you head over there to check out to become actively involved in the learning experience.

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Suture to pull Ahmed Glaucoma Valve tube tip away from cornea

It is far easier to use a 10-0 mersiline double-ended suture to pull back a tube tip than to perform a major re-operation that would have involved opening the prior surgery site, cutting away extensive scar tissue, lifted up the donor sclera flap, reposition the tube entry site, then closed things up again.

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Imaging - a marketing pitch to patients or ancillary test used appropriately?

I posted the following on 5Mar2011 in the Members’ Only Glaucoma Blog at the American Academy of Ophthalmology Community. I am sharing it here as well to open it up for discussion with a wider audience.

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Tobradex NOT to be used for itchy/burny eyes; they can cause glaucoma!

Tobradex NOT to be used for itchy/burny eyes; they can cause glaucoma!

I was referred a patient as a glaucoma suspect due to high intraocular pressure readings when seen by his referring Optometrist. The eye pressures were fine on the day I saw the patient and I was ready to give him my standard explanation for ocular hypertension being a risk factor for glaucoma but that a high pressure reading does not = glaucoma. As he was about to leave, he pulled out a bottle of Tobradex that he had been prescribed to take whenever his eyes felt gritty! Let’s talk about this one.

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Revising infection prone Trabeculectomy using donor scleral graft

​This patient had undergone a trabeculectomy with mitomycin (MMC) in both eyes more than 4 years ago and has recently been suffering from recurrent bleb leaks and infections. As can often happen, especially with the older approach of the day of limbal-based surgery (conjunctival incision in the fornix) with the MMC applied over a more localized area, the bleb enlarged and thinned over the years.

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